「つまみ読み」が本当に有効なのか、実際の文書で確かめてみましょう。例としてGNU Emacsのinfoファイルの"Introduction"の章を取りあげてみます。紙幅の都合で、以下では各パラグラフの後半を省略していますので、元の文章に興味のある人は、ターミナルでinfo emacsを実行したり、EmacsからM-x info emacsを実行して、全体を眺めてみてください。
You are reading about GNU Emacs, the GNU incarnation of the advanced,
self-documenting, customizable, extensible editor Emacs. (The `G' in
`GNU' is not silent.)
We call Emacs advanced because it provides much more than simple
insertion and deletion. It can control subprocesses, indent programs
automatically, show two or more files at once, and edit formatted text.
"Self-documenting" means that at any time you can type a special
character, `Control-h', to find out what your options are. You can
also use it to find out what any command does, or to find all the
"Customizable" means that you can alter Emacs commands' behavior in
simple ways. For example, if you use a programming language in which
comments start with `', you can tell the Emacs
"Extensible" means that you can go beyond simple customization and
write entirely new commands--programs in the Lisp language to be run by
Emacs's own Lisp interpreter. Emacs is an "on-line extensible" system,
which means that it is divided into many functions that call each
When running on a graphical display, Emacs provides its own menus
and convenient handling of mouse buttons. In addition, Emacs provides
many of the benefits of a graphical display even on a text-only